通讯员: 发布时间:2011年08月05日 22:41 浏览量:次
8月4日,应我室邀请,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校Jonathan V. Sweedler教授来我室讲学,作了题为“Neuropeptidomics:Profiling the peptides in our brain”学术报告,Sweedler教授讲座风趣,充满激情,受到广大师生的热烈欢迎。会后,Sweedler教授与我室年轻教师进行了深入交流。此次讲学是我室“化学生物前沿论坛”系列讲座的第五讲,蒋健晖副主任主持。
Jonathan V. Sweedler教授简介:
Professor Sweedler received his B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of California at Davis in 1983 and his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in 1989. Thereafter, he was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Richard Zare and Dr. Richard Scheller at Stanford University, and joined the faculty at Illinois in 1991.
Dr. Sweedler is currently the James R. Eiszner Professor of Chemistry, as well as the director of the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center; he is also affiliated with the Institute of Genomic Biology and the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology.
Research emphasis is on analytical neurochemistry. This includes the development of analytical methods for assaying complex microenvironments: capillary electrophoresis separation methods, laser-based detection methods, MALDI sampling techniques, nanoliter volume NMR and micro/nanofluidic sampling. The second group theme is studying the distribution and dynamic release of neuropeptides and classical transmitters in a cell-specific manner, elucidating novel neurochemical pathways, and investigating the roles of neurotransmitter cotransmission. He is currently an associate editor of Analytical Chemistry and serves on the Chemical Science Advisory Board.
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