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美国University of Kentucky 的PeiXuan Guo 教授应邀来我实验室讲学

通讯员:  发布时间:2012年10月25日 23:14  浏览量:

10月24日,应我实验室谭蔚泓主任邀请,美国University of Kentucky 的PeiXuan Guo 教授来我室作学术讲座,作了题为“Viral DNA Packaging Nanomotor for Single chemical Sensing,Single Pore DNAFigure printing, Bioreactors, RNA Nanotechnology and Specific Drug Delivery”的学术报告,受到广大师生的热烈欢迎。之后,Guo教授与我室部分老师进行了深入的交流。


PaiXuan Guo教授作学术报告


PaiXuan Guo教授简介:

Biosketch: Dr. Peixuan Guo is the William Farish endowed chair in nanobiotechnology and director of Nanobiotechnology Center in University of Kentucky. He also serves as the director of NCI Cancer Nanotechnology Platform Partnership Program: RNA Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapy.
 He received his Ph.D. in Microbiology with training in biophysics from the University of Minnesota in 1987; as a postdoct at NIH before joining Purdue University as an assistant professor in 1990, tenured in 1993,  full Professor in 1997, and was honored as a Purdue Faculty Scholar in 1998. He was recruited to University of Cincinnati as endowed chair in 2007.  He was the Dane & Mary Louise Miller Endowed Chair of Biomedical Engineering, and Director of the NIH Nanomedicine Development Center located at the University of Cincinnati.
 He constructed phi29 DNA packaging motor (PNAS, 1986), discovered phi29 motor pRNA (Science, 1987), assembled infectious dsDNA viruses (J Virology, 1995), discovered pRNA hexamer (Mol Cell, 1998), pioneered RNA nanotechnology (Mol Cell, 1998, JNN, 2003; Nano Lett., 2004,2005; Nature Nanotechnology,2010). His lab built a dual imaging system to detect single-fluorophores (EMBO J, 2007; RNA, 2007), incorporated the phi29 motor channel into a lipid membrane (Nature Nanotechnology, 2009) for single molecule sensing with potentials for high throughput dsDNA sequencing.
 He received the Pfizer Distinguished Faculty Award in 1995; the Purdue Faculty Scholar award in 1998; the Purdue Seed Award in 2004, 2005, and 2007; the Lions Club Cancer Research Award in 2006; and COV Distinguished Alumni of the University of Minnesota in 2009. He is an editor or board member of five nanotech journals. His work has been reported hundreds of times over the radio or TV such as ABC and NBC, and featured in Newsletters or websites of NIH, NSF, MSNBC, NCI and ScienceNow etc. He was a member of two prominent national nanotech initiatives sponsored by NIST, NIH, NSF and National Council of Nanotechnology; panelist of DOD medical assessment workshop; director of one NIH Nanomedicine Development Center from 2006 to 2011, member of the NIH NDC Steering Committee from 2006-2010.