吴海龙Hailong Wu
学术委员会顾问(2010- );湖南大学分析化学国家重点学科建设长期责任人
Professor Hai-Long WU,Dr.Sc & Dr.Eng,
Executive Director (2001-2005)and Director
(2005-2009) of the State Key Laboratory of
Chemo/Biosensing & Chemometrics (Hunan U)
Tel/Fax: +86-731-88821818
E-mail: hlwu@edu.hnu.cn; hlwu529@126.com
Reserch Interests:
Chemometrics, Chemical sensing, Multivariate calibration, Multiway data analysis, Second-order calibration, Chemical multiway calibration; Chemical muliway pattern recognition
Dr.Hai-Long Wu, born in 1961, is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Hunan University. He received his BS in 1982, MSc in 1985 and DrSc in 1992 on Analytical Chemistry at Hunan University. He worked at Hunan University for 8 years before pursuing his DrEng in 1993 at Chiba University (Japan) and received his DrEng on Applied Chemistry in 1998. Dr. Wu has published over 210 papers in chemometrics and chemical sensing in international journals and gained The First Prize of the Hunan Provincial Award for the Promotion of Science and Technology in China in 2002 and The Second Prize of the National Natural Sciences Award of China in 2003. In Oct. 2012, he was a winner of the Liang Shuquan (Shu-Chuan LIANG)’s award on fundamental research in analytical chemistry from The Chinese Chemical Society.
Selected Publications:
1.Wu HL,Shibukawa M, Oguma K*, An alternating trilinear decomposition method with application to calibration of HPLC-DAD for simultaneous determination of overlapped chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, Journal of Chemometrics, 12:1-26 (1998)
2.Xia AL, Wu HL*,Fang DM, Ding YJ, Hu LQ, Yu RQ,Alternating penalty trilinear decomposition for second-order calibration with an application to interference-free analysis of excitation-emission matrix fluorescence data, Journal of Chemometrics, 19(2): 65-76 (2005)
3.Xia AL, Wu HL*, Li SF, Zhu SH, Hu LQ, Yu RQ,Alternating penalty quadrilinear decomposition algorithm for an analysis of four-way data arrays, Journal of Chemometrics, 21(3-4): 133-144 (2007)
4.Zhang Y, Wu HL*, Xia AL, Hu LH, Zou HF, Yu RQ, Trilinear decomposition method applied to removal of three-dimensional background drift in comprehensive two-dimensional separation data, Journal of Chromatograph A, 1167: 178–183 (2007)
5.Zhu SH, Wu HL*, Xia AL, Nie JF, Bian YC, Cai CB, Yu RQ, Excitation-Emission- Kinetic Fluorescence Coupled with Third-Order Calibration for Quantifying Carbaryl and Investigating the Hydrolysis in Effluent Water, Talanta, 77( 5): 1640-1646 (2009)
6.Wu HL*, Nie JF, Yu YJ, Yu RQ, Multi-way chemometric methodologies and applications: A central summary of our research work, Analytica Chimica Acta, 650: 131-142 (2009)
7.(美)保罗.戈培林(Paul J. Gemperline)主编,化学计量学实用指南(Practical Guide to Chemometrics)(原著第2版, Second Edition), 吴海龙、康超等译, 俞汝勤 审校,北京:科学出版社, 2012年3月 (字数: 61万)
8.Wu HL*, Li Y, Kang C, Yu RQ*. Chapter 3. Multiway Calibration Based on Alternating Multilinear Decomposition. Chapter 4. Practical Analytical Applications of Multiway Calibration Methods Based on Alternating Multilinear Decomposition.In: Alejandro C. Olivieri, Graciela M. Escandar, Héctor C. Goicoechea, Arsenio Muñoz de la Peña, Eds., Fundamentals and Analytical Applications of Multi-way Calibration. Elsevier, 2015, pp83-166、 pp167-246 (ISBN 978-0-444-63527-3)
9.梁逸曾、吴海龙,俞汝勤主编,“ 化学计量学”(分析化学手册,3版) ,北京: 化学工业出版社,2016.11,pp859
10.Wu HL*,Yin XL, Gu HW, Xie LX, Yu RQ*. Chemometrics in biochemical analysis. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/9780470027318.a9573 pp38.