覃宏涛Hongtao Qin
Tel: 86-731-88822606
E-mail: qinhongtao@hnu.edu.cn
Reserch Interest: Neurobiology and Functional Genomics
1973年出生于广西上林。1995年本科毕业于武汉大学,2000年获得浙江大学硕士学位。2006年获得美国艾奥瓦州立大学(Iowa State University)遗传学博士学位。2006年至2012年在美国冷泉港实验室(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)做博士后。2012年9月被湖南大学生物学院聘为教授。2014年至今任生物学院生物医学工程系主任。曾在Current Biology,PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience等杂志上发表研究论文多篇。研究工作得到国家自然科学基金委面上项目的支持。
Qin, Hongtao received his BS in 1995 from Wuhan University, MS in 2000 from Zhejiang University, and PhD in 2006 form Iowa State University. His postdoctoral training was done at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory from 2006 to 2012. He has been a professor at Hunan University since 2012 and currently is the head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. His research interests focus on Drosophila olfactory learning and memory.
Selected Publications:
1. Cressy, M., Valente, D., Altick, A., Kockenmeister, E., Honegger, K., Qin, H., Mitra, P.P., Dubnau, J. (2014) Laboratory evolution of adenylyl cyclase independent learning in Drosophila and missing heritability. Gene Brain Behav, 13(6): 565-77.
2. Campbell, R.A., Honegger, K.S., Qin, H., Li, W., Demir, E., Turner, G.C. (2013) Imaging a population code for odor identity in the Drosophila mushroom body. J Neurosci., 33(25):10568-81.
3. Li, W., Cressy, M., Qin, H., Fulga, T., Van Vactor, D. and Dubnau, J. (2013) microRNA-276a Functions in Ellipsoid Body and Mushroom Body Neurons for Naïve and Conditioned Olfactory Avoidance in Drosophila. J Neurosci., 33(13):5821-33.
4. Qin, H., Cressy, M., Li, W., Izzi, S., Coravos, J. and Dubnau, J. (2012) Gamma neurons mediate dopaminergic input during aversive olfactory memory formation in Drosophila. Curr Biol., 22(7): 608-14.
5. Shuai, Y., Hu, Y., Qin, H., Campbell, R.A. and Zhong, Y. (2011) Distinct molecular underpinnings of Drosophila olfactory trace conditioning. PNAS, 108(50): 20201-6.
6. Qin, H., Dubnau, J. (2010) Genetic disruptions of Drosophila Pavlovian learning leave extinction learning intact. Gene Brain Behav, 9(2): 203-12
7. Qin, H., Zhai, Z., and Powell-Coffman, J.A. (2006) The Caenorhabditis elegans AHR-1 transcription complex controls expression of soluble guanylate cyclase genes in the URX neurons and regulates aggregation behavior. Dev Biol, 298 (2): 606-15.
8. Qin, H. and Powell-Coffman, JA. (2004) The Caenorhabditis elegans aryl hydrocarbon receptor, AHR-1, regulates neuronal development. Dev Biol. 270(1):64-75.